
Firda Nurina
2 min readNov 2, 2020

Such a fascinated talk I discovered lately about being minimalism. What is that? This question first landed on my mind.

It has started when I had my weekend with no idea and die to bored. I scrolled my Netflix account here and there to killing my time, with Romance movie (sorry not sorry, I’m a romance devotee :p). Yet back then, I was thrilled to give a nice try watching a Documentary Movie — which is not a cup of my tea. In short, I found this “Minimalism” documentary.

I surprisingly enjoy the movie, this told about people decluttering stuffs. It’s all about live with fewer material possessions. No, the point is not to reduce your stuffs as much as it could, but we can see how it affects our life afterwards, to living life more. A new way to give space more to your room, more time to self-appreciate, and more space to feeling content.

I do love the example and lemme drop here too: Imagine you eager to own the very new-launched Iphone which will costing your fortune (let’s say, IDR 20Mio). Thinking it more when you just letting go of this Iphone, you already create a space to your savings account, create a space to your working hours (you might works for months like crazy to get this item), and create a space to your content (which you feel enough of your old phone).

I’m interested to try adopt this minimalism, at least to convince myself and dare to be honest over myself about which one is important or which one is impulsive.

Because it is just not right to us giving too much meaning on our stuffs. See how a stuff can enhance value(s) in our life, instead.


